Ontario Rental Agreement Form 400


Ontario rental agreement form 400 is a standard lease agreement that is used by landlords and tenants in Ontario to outline the terms and conditions of their rental agreement. As a professional, I have researched and analyzed the key information related to this topic to provide you with a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about the Ontario rental agreement form 400.

What is an Ontario rental agreement form 400?

The Ontario rental agreement form 400 is a legal document that outlines the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants in a rental agreement. It is a standard lease agreement developed by the Ontario government and is required to be used by landlords and tenants for all new residential tenancies in Ontario. The form 400 is applicable to all types of rental properties, including apartments, houses, and condominiums.

The main purpose of the Ontario rental agreement form 400 is to protect the interests of both landlords and tenants by clarifying the terms and conditions of the rental agreement. It ensures that all parties involved in the rental agreement understand their rights and responsibilities.

Key features of the Ontario rental agreement form 400

The Ontario rental agreement form 400 includes various clauses and provisions that cover the following key aspects of a rental agreement:

1. Parties involved: This section identifies the parties involved in the rental agreement, including the landlord and tenant`s names and addresses.

2. Term of tenancy: This section outlines the duration of the lease agreement, including the start and end dates.

3. Rent payments: This section specifies the amount of rent, the due date, and the accepted methods of payment.

4. Security deposit: This section outlines the amount of the security deposit, the terms and conditions for its use, and the procedures for its return.

5. Maintenance and repairs: This section outlines the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant regarding the maintenance and repairs of the rental property.

6. Restrictions and rules: This section outlines any restrictions and rules related to the use of the rental property, such as no pets or smoking.

7. Termination of tenancy: This section outlines the procedures for ending the rental agreement, including notice periods and termination fees.

Why is the Ontario rental agreement form 400 important?

The Ontario rental agreement form 400 is an essential document for both landlords and tenants as it outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement. It ensures that all parties involved are aware of their rights and obligations, which can help prevent disputes and misunderstandings later on.

The use of the Ontario rental agreement form 400 is mandatory in Ontario. As a result, it is crucial for landlords and tenants to use this form to avoid any legal issues or penalties.


In conclusion, the Ontario rental agreement form 400 is a standardized lease agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement between landlords and tenants in Ontario. This form is mandatory for all new residential tenancies in Ontario. The form covers key aspects such as rent payments, maintenance and repairs, restrictions and rules, and termination of tenancy. By using this form, landlords and tenants can ensure that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities, which can help prevent disputes and misunderstandings later on.

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